On September 4th, Petite Studio NYC celebrated a Fall Launch Party where we invited friends and new faces to join us for some food, drinks, and free gift bags at our Soho Flagship Store. Everyone who attended had a chance to check out and try on the Fall 2019 collection before it officially released.
Madeline Harper Frass (@mfass) from Vogue, Jen Mulrow (@jenmulrow) from Refinery 29, Biance Nieves (@biancamnieves) from TeenVogue, Noelle Ike (@noelleike) from CNN, Maria Bobila from Fashionista, Rachel Schwartzmann (@rachelschwartzmann) from The Style Line, Marina Liao from Marie Claire, Nora Leisk (@itsnoraleisk), Ashley Marah (@ashleymarah), Vic Styles (@thevicstyles), Melany Rodriguez (@melanycecilia), and Marina Ingvarsson (@marinaingvarsonn) are some of the editors and influencers who came to celebrate our Fall collection!
Health-conscious catering from Charcu NYC, Kombucha from Health-Ade, and Rosé from VieVite!
Amika, Bauble Bar, Mount Lai, Not Pot, and Nature Republic were all of the great sponsored brands featured in the goodie bag.
Special thanks to Youme (@shesyoume) for coordinating the event and all our friends from Health-Ade, VieVite, Charcu NYC, and Velvet Florals for providing us with food and decor! All credit goes to photographer Sophia Sahara Barkham for capturing the amazing photographs.